Manufacturer designed hearing aid accessories. Direct connectivity and audio streaming to improve your devices performance in complex listening environments, taking your hearing and listening experience to the next level.
Enhance your hearing
Our wireless hearing accessories stream audio sound directly to your hearing aids, keeping users totally immersed in the sound of the world around them. For more information about our Bluetooth enabled hearing aids click here.
TV connector
Streaming the sound of the TV to your hearing aids, just like a pair of wireless headphones these top-rated accessories allow you to watch your favourite shows and movies in high quality stereo. No more disagreements! TV streamers can cleverly split the sound from the TV to allow the hearing aid wearer to alter the volume in their hearing aids to their preference whilst the TV sound can be played simultaneously at a volume to suit other listeners.
Remote Control
Control your hearing aids at the push of a button. Remotes are used to access additional features and personalized settings. Discreet and easy to use. Particularly handy for those with limited dexterity.
Remote Microphone
Improve one-to-one conversation in noisy environments or hearing of speech from a distance. These easy-to-use discreet microphones partner to your devices and can be clipped to a speakers blouse, jacket or worn as a lanyard to stream their voice directly to your hearing aids.
Table Microphones
Struggle in group conversations and in situations with background noise? Allow your table microphone to zone in on whoever is talking and seamlessly following the speech around the table. Great for conversations at work, meetings and social situations activities with background noise like restaurants.
For more information about our hearing aids click here or alternatively book your hearing test on 01978799387 today.
Link video assistive listening devices from VLOG

In-the-Ear Monitors
Tune into crystal clear sound with Tunz™ custom-fit products. From MP3s to gaming devices, computers and more, experience the ultimate in pure listening enjoyment with these custom products, made precisely for your ears.
Our Services
We offer all aspects of hearing care in Wrexham. Whether it be wax removal, hearing protection, music devices, hearing tests or tinnitus rehabilitation, we can help. Please click on one of the following services for more information.
Private Hearing Aids
Hear well and stay integrated with a choice of the latest hearing aids from the best manufacturer’s brands like Phonak, Unitron, Widex, Signia, Starkey or Oticon. Our honest, unbiased and comprehensive advice helps you understand your best hearing aid features and styles. We offer a 14-day FREE trial, moneyback guarantee and fully inclusive aftercare package on all our devices to prove our dedication to your satisfaction.