Ear Syringing & Ear Cleaning

Integrate Hearing are ear cleaning & ear wax removal specialists serving Wrexham, Oswestry & surrounding areas. We specialise in both the established water irrigation (ear syringing) method of ear wax removal as well as the latest technique of microsuction ear wax removal.

Ear wax coats and protects the inside of your ears. It is produced by glands in the outer part of the ear canal. It has a protective purpose to trap dust and other small particles and prevent them from potentially damaging the eardrum. The amount of ear wax produced is varied from person to person and usually migrates out of the ear its own. Ear wax can become a problem if there is an excessive build up due to very narrow or abnormally shaped ear canals, frequent use of earplugs, cleaning ears with cotton buds or for other unknown reasons. If the ear wax becomes impacted against the ear drum, it can even be painful.

Syptoms of ear wax blockage:

  • Impaired hearing, ear pain or dizziness
  • Itchiness and irritation in the ears or ear canal
  • A full sensation, or pressure in the ear
  • Sudden hearing loss after swimming or showering
  • Mild tinnitus

Why you will benefit from professional ear wax removal

  • The skin on the lining of the ear canal is very delicate and can easily be damaged.
  • It is not advisable that you attempt to remove ear wax at home by the use of cotton buds. This generally pushes it further towards the ear drum and can cause even more problems, making it more difficult to remove.
  • We never advise the use of Hopi ear candles which give false perceptions of wax removal and are dangerous as you cannot see what you are doing.

Comparison video of clear and healthy ear canal and a complete ear wax blockage.

Our Ear Wax Removal Service

At Integrate Hearing, we are trained in the established water irrigation method of ear cleaning as well as the latest technique of microsuction. We will be happy to advise you on which method will be most suitable for you and we will fully explain the pros and cons of both methods.

This method uses water which is carefully warmed to body temperature and gentl y sprayed into the ear in spiral stream water wax. A cup is held underneath the ear throughout the process to catch any wax and water. The irrigation may need to be repeated a couple of times to completely remove the wax.

Microsuction is a process using a fine tube connected to a suction machine and does not require water to remove the wax. We view your ear canal with microscopic visibility which allows us to avoid touching the ear drum or ear canal and generally most patients find this method the most comfortable.

This removal process is safe, thorough and is particularly recommendable for smaller ear canals and for those who may have suffered problems with their ears such as ear drum perforation where irrigation is not suitable. Unlike methods using water the use of ear wax softening drops is not always necessary prior to procedure and in most cases the procedure is pretty straight forward and the wax can be removed within minutes.

Microsuction Ear Wax Removal Procedure:

  • You will be asked a few questions about your ear health, perforations of the eardrum and any previous experience you have had with the procedure.
  • We will examine your ears to confirm that there is ear wax present.
  • We will then explain the procedure in detail so that you understand what will take place.
  • Ear wax will be removed using the Microsuction (the process can take from 5 to 20 minutes depending on the amount and position of the wax)
  • Once the ear wax is removed we will again check the ear canal to make sure it is clear and healthy.

Ear Wax Removal Prices

Please find our ear wax removal prices below:

  • £79 for two ears £65 for one ear*
  • Minimum charge is £30 for ear examination where there is no wax present due
  • Please be aware when making a booking that we charge a deposit.

Additional call out charge may apply depending on location

For professional and safe removal of ear wax by our experienced audiologist, please contact our Wrexham clinic on 01978 799387 or our Oswestry clinic on 01691 674498 to book your appointment.

Our Services

We offer all aspects of hearing care in Wrexham. Whether it be wax removal, hearing protection, music devices, hearing tests or tinnitus rehabilitation, we can help. Please click on one of the following services for more information.

Hearing Tests

Hearing Assessments

Ear Wax Removal

Tinnitus Management

Contact Us

For more information about our services or even for just a general chat regarding your hearing health, please do get in touch.

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I was lucky enough to have a same day appointment, easy parking close by, the service is A*, everything was explained and after a consultation my hearing was restored with no issues, I was so pleased with the service, I would certainly recommend Intergrate Hearing.

Keith Markham

Olivia was kind and considerate of my father’s condition. She took the time to explain everything to him and was gentle when performing both the procedure and the hearing test. I could not recommend her enough. Thank you.

Maria Alexandra Rodrigues

My wife visited Olivia after suffering for three weeks with very severe hearing loss and pain. what a difference 20 minutes make. She had the biggest smile I’ve seen on her face for about a month. Excellent service and she’s now pain free and we can put the TV volume back to normal levels.

Shan Ryder

My ear problems started just when Lockdown was announced It meant weeks and weeks of waiting plus cancellations. I found Olivia on the web and am so glad I did. she is friendly and extremely professional. I left with hearing restored in my left ear. Fantastic! Really recommend her.

Peter Read